The area from which one steps in therefore makes a big difference

The area from which one steps in therefore makes a big difference

For instance, despite the physical aspect of a potential partner having to always obtain a pass from the M-AA, the excitement of the man’s M-RA sparked by the psychological characteristics of the woman may in turn fuel the M-AA’s sexual interest , even toward women that would not match the abstract standards of desirability of that particular man, and this will happen all the more intensely and consequentially the more the TU-C will have been iterated with success. Moreover, the direct reward obtained by a partner ends up, within a well-functioning TU-C, feeding in turn the indirect reward of the other partner who, if responding with an excitement of her/his RA (thanks to the success of the compatibility test), which feeds in turn her/his AA, eventually stimulates the RA of the former, thus closing the circuit. Therefore, if each partner is able to successfully move along her/his hemicycle of the TU-C, a self-catalytic positive feedback circuit will be established, leading to the strengthening and stabilization of the couple bond. The functioning of the TU-C is therefore finalized, through a sequence of cycles of progressive building up of the excitement of the respective RAs, to the creation of the tie-up for the man (M-TU) and for the woman (F-TU), or to its consolidation when one or both partners enter the cycle already tied-up.

In principle, both sexes may kick off a TU-C by approaching and relating to an opposite sex subject, and this, as already remarked, may happen starting from one’s own AA or RA

Starting from the AA means that the RA may remain unengaged. This may be a temporary situation, so that the RA may eventually switch on as the cycle is traveled along and the RA is finally reached, thus starting to test the potential partner, or may be final, not switching on because the compatibility test is failed or indefinitely postponed. Moving from the RA implies, instead, a preexisting interest of the receptive area, and thus that the compatibility test has at least started or has already been carried out with success, or even that the tie-up has already been created even before the launch of the TU-C (that is, of the direct interaction with the opposite sex subject that has attracted the interest of the RA). The tie-up may therefore occur both within or outside of the TU-C, with or without interaction or the involvement of the potential partner. It is possible to get tied-up on one’s own as a consequence of the inadvertent stimulation of one’s own RA by an unaware subject (outside the TU-C), or on the contrary as a consequence of the intentional operation of the other’s AA on one’s RA (within the TU-C).

As already remarked, successfully passing the compatibility tests then allows RAs to generate indirect rewards that may sum up to the rewards generated by the AAs

A successfully functioning TU-C may be traveled along as follows. If the male partner is tied-up, and thus is motivated by the psychological intimacy with the partner (indirect reward) to seek sexual satisfaction within the couple relationship (direct reward), the sexual contact with a genetically compatible partner will generate indirect reward for the female partner, stimulating her AA to increase intimacy and psychological exchange with the male partner (direct reward). The latter will in turn experience an increase of his indirect reward, leading to further iterations of the cycle, strengthening his TU, and also favoring the F-TU if has not already occurred, local hookup Norwich United Kingdom through the consequent progressive stimulation of the F-RA. Analogous remarks apply if we move from the viewpoint of a tied-up female partner, or from the viewpoint of a not yet tied-up male or female partner.


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